Coherent Physical Theory of Magic
("Magic Through Science")
By: Colin D. Cashman
Posted On: May 17, 1998 09:51
Okay, since I've had one request for this, and I'm also extremely bored and
desperately trying to avoid doing my philosophy take-home final, I'll send
my theory along. :) It's in a very rough outline form, as I was (am) intending
to write it up in an "official" paper format, and was attempting to put things
down in a logical coherent order. It's still kind of rough, but... let me know
what you guys think.
- Introduction
- Definition of magic:
- "The art that purports to control or forecast natural
events, effects, or forces by invoking the super-
natural through the use of charms, spells, or
- American Heritage Dictionary
- Palladium magic definition
- General statements
- Body
- Assumptions/premises about magic
- is the ability to manipulate the universe
- PPE is an unknown energy source that powers magic
- is presumed to follow some set of physical laws
- must follow the laws of the universe, but not
necessarily as we know them now
- PPE is electromagnetic in origin
- Aura and consciousness
- aura is where consciousness, PPE is generated/stored
- is bound to the body through the mind
- in natural state suffused throughout body
- certain events/powers can condense/sever the aura from the body
- mind/brain dual capacity - body regulator and attachment point for aura
- serves as "focusing lens" for the harnessing of PPE
- composed of PPE (life-based)
- bridge between reality and mentality that allows use of PPE
- Use of magic to cast spells/create magical effects
- how magic works
- based on quantum theory
- every event has probability of occurring
- forces an extremely unlikely event (the spell) into 100% probability that it
- the spellcasting process
- requires focus/concentration
- focus creates a brief alteration of the conscious mind
- slips into state of altered perception of the universe
- allows for the connection to the "aura" that enables the magic-user to
draw upon his PPE, or the PPE in the environment
- altered perception
- each spell has its own particular viewpoint on universe, gets taught
as major part of spell learning process *
- "raw magic" is a universal view that allows PPE to be used "on
the fly" to create effects that are not predefined as spells
- PPE use
- PPE is drawn through the aura as a "function" of the altered viewpoint
- PPE is used to force probability to 100% occurrence
- spell learning
- spells can be taught vocally or learned through written material
- aura seems to be "instinctively" linked to some general magical knowledge base, and
hence seems to be able to understand the rudiments of new spells easily (learning the
proper frame of mind comes very easily)
- takes many years of tutelage to be able to develop the aura to the point that shifting,
even temporarily, to an alternate perception comes easily
- much of apprenticeship is spent engaged in mental exercises designed to make apprentice
see the world differently than he or she is accustomed to
- more powerful spells require more radical shifts of perception, hence are harder to learn (even
with the "extra" help of the aura)
- "Monkey Wrenches"
- Sentient magic (Nightbane?)
- aura is PPE, thus magic in nature
- aura can also possess a consciousness
- Magical items
- all items have an aura (object read), though not a consciousness
- magic items have an altered aura that has a predefined "viewpoint"
(imposed by the creator during the creation process)
- magical matrix bears some similarities to the aura of a living creature, but does not
necessarily bear a consciousness
- Rune weapons possess an altered aura, but also trap a "true" aura inside. Hence, the weapon
itself is sentient, and can use/deny its powers (because the intelligence inside does
not wish to use them)
- The Supernatural
- creatures possess an aura as well, but are formed from a magical "mold".
- that "mold" outlines the abilities of the creature
- The "Mirrorwall" (Nightbane)
- does not fit into theory (don't understand concept well enough to attempt integration)
- outside normal space-and-time - does not necessarily need to obey *any* laws
- "Transfer Magic" spell (Rifts Main Book)
- Examples
- Technology
- Lone Star (secret rift device)
- Japan (teleportation device)
- Beyond the Supernatural (rift generators)
- Technowizardry
- Magic
- Earth Warlock spell ("Transfer Intellect??")
- Other
- Transferred intelligences
Astral Plane as a higher dimension ("hyperspace")??
Psionics vs. Magic:
Psionics are a product of brain structure. Because the brain structure heavily
influences the manner in which the aura attaches to the body, altered brain structure can produce
internal ways of an "altered perception" - more akin to having a higher degree of 'integration'
with the universe, and thus being more capable of interacting with it on a higher level than
others - psionic powers.
Magic is a state of altered perception, etc. (see above).
The distinction is that psionics are an innate, "inner" ability that is possessed by the recipient.
Magic is a learned, "outer" ability, more like a skill. While both draw thier roots from the aura,
they are utilized in different ways. In terms of thermo-dynamics, both require vast amounts of
energy. Magic is more of a "physical" energy, in that it requires a body. Psionics do not necessarily
- brain structure seems to permanently "warp" the aura, and hence if it is separated, it retains
psychic powers. What exactly distinguishes "warping" biology from "non-warping" biology is unknown,
although some studies point to unusual features of the cerebrum and cerebellum. How, exactly, the
warpage occurs is, again, unknown, and is presumed to be part of procreation (natural or technological).
- Perhaps a trait of any biological structure that possesses a level of complexity akin to that
exhibited by the human brain? Higher levels of brain complexity would imply greater intelligence,
which might be an explanation for god-like creatures and dragons. It would also mean that only
"biological" structures would truly be "conscious" - A.I. would only be incredibly complex
- The important meta-physical nature of the brain may also indicate why "fiddling" with the brain
might cause insanities - because "fiddling" with the brain structure would also cause changes in
the aura/consciousness. In other words, the same process that translates physical neurological
structures into psionic powers might also translate later neurological changes - the same changes
introduced by nanotechnological augmentation as "Crazies" - into psychological problems. It could
also explain why Crazies gain some psionic powers as a result of the process, as well as the
relative randomness of the powers.
- PPE release upon death would be very easily explained by the idea that the aura/consciousness
is bound to the body with PPE (or part of the total PPE of the aura/consciousness is used as
binding material, and is hence unavailable for "regular" use - magic, technowizardry, etc.). Upon
death, the aura/consciousness is separated from the body, and in the process releases the PPE
binding energy.
-- Colin
Coherent-Physical-Theory-of-Magic.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.