Section 7

Personal Page

Curtis Curtis

This page was last updated on:

February 6, 1999

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Welcome to SECTION 7, a web database dedicated to the role-playing games of the Palladium Megaverse®. This site was previously a home to an extensive collection of material by other people in addition to my own. However, it now only contains my own material for the various Palladium® games.

For a limited time, I will be keeping a page up containing all the material by others that was previously hosted on both this site and my Nightbane site, The Darkening. If you contact me, I will likely allow you to host the material, with the original creator's permission first, if possible. If you are interested in hosting some of the material, please check out the Old Hosted Material page.

I would really like to get some feedback on what you think of Section 7. Tell me the things you like the most and, especially, the things you don't like. Any information you can give me will help make this site better and more like what you, the viewer, want. If you have suggestions about the content or presentation of the page, please let me know. The Guestbook below should make this easy. Just take a moment to drop me a quick note. Thanks!

* Page Updates *
Archangel Heavy Industries
Art Gallery
Book of Rules
Character Classes & NPCs
Fan Fiction Showcase
Links to other Sources
Miscellaneous Items
Realm of the Mystical
Technology Central
* Old Hosted Material *

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You are authorized user number [GeoCities Counter Removed] to gain admittance to the Section 7 database since September 23, 1996.

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Since: March 20, 1997

Rifts®, Megaverse®, and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.

Nightbane™, Nightlands™, Nightlords™, M.D.C.™, S.D.C.™, I.S.P.™, P.P.E.™, and others are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.


[ Archangel Heavy Industries | Artwork | Rules | Character Classes ]
[ Fan Fiction | Links | Miscellaneous | Mystical | Technology ]


This page and all copyrightable material on it are Copyright © 1996,
1997, 1998 chris curtis. all rights reserved.

The author is a member of
The HTML Writers Guild

RSAC Rated Site