Alternate Multiple O.C.C.s Rule

By: The Kitsune
Created: March 13, 1999

These rule are designed as an alternative system of switching a characters O.C.C. to those listed in Palladium Fantasy: Adventures on the High Seas; Second Editions. These are similar but have been changed to reflect the authors opinions. A character cannot change to an R.C.C. because the character had to have certain background abilities such as needing to be a master psionic for a mind melter. This would include some O.C.C.s as well. A good example of this is a mystic who already needs to be a master psionic to be a mystic. As well, R.C.C.s with low P.P.E. cannot become a mage class. As should be expected, the character does not get the money and equipment of the new O.C.C. in most cases. They will be able to get the items required for their new classes if they cannot be purchased or they are very special but otherwise everything needs to be purchased.

The O.C.C. cannot be changed until after the character has reached at least second level. When the OCC switched, all experience points beyond just what is needed to gain the level is lost. For Example: A headhunter switches their OCC at fourth level, The character has 10,000 experience points, when the character switches to a new O.C.C. the characters experience drops to 8,401 experience points.

Once a character switches O.C.C., they must find a person to teach them unless there is a logical reason why the can learn the O.C.C. on their own. For example, a person might be able to learn the Wilderness Scout O.C.C. without training although it would be very unlikely. A character will them have to remain in training for a period of time. This needs to be at least one year for man at arms, scholars, and adventures. This is even longer for magic using O.C.C. and needs to be at least two years for a mage O.C.C. For more complete knowledge, the character must remain in training for two years as a non-mage and four years as a mage. Otherwise, the character will have experience penalties and less P.P.E. starting off.

If the character goes for the reduced education, they start off at the negative experience points for first level for a non mage and negative double the experience points for a mage O.C.C. in the new class. The characters pays normal experience per level after first. The character will have all skills and special abilities from the old class frozen although they are all kept. Secondary skills, educational skills, racial skills, and racial abilities are exceptions to this. These either do not tie to the character class or only partially tie to the character class in the case of secondary skills. This will be frozen initially but once the character reach the same level as he/she was in their old class those skills will advance again once they reach the next level. The character will get all O.C.C. skills the new class and half of the normal O.C.C. related skills (round up). Initially these will have no bonuses but when first level is reached, the character will get half the normal the normal bonuses for the new O.C.C. On Skills that are repeated from the old O.C.C. do not add the bonuses together but instead take the higher bonuses. Skills repeated also will not advance until the level in the old class has been surpassed by the new class. If the new class has special abilities, the character will get all the special abilities but does not get any of the non skill bonuses until they reach first level. This includes bonuses to statistics, hit points, and SDC. The character initially keeps the S.D.C. of the original character class but when first level is reached, if the new class has more S.D.C., the character gets the new classes difference in base SDC added if higher than the original. For magic using classes, the character initially only starts with the P.P.E. of the original class but increases over time and experience. At first level, the character gets half of the P.P.E. of the new class and at third level, the character gets the full P.P.E. of the character class. The character will be getting the extra P.P.E. for each level of experience as well and spells are learned as normal.

If the character goes for the more completed education, the character is far better off in many cases, and the character starts at first level in the new class. The character pays normal experience points per level. The character will have all skills and special abilities from the old class frozen although they are all kept. Secondary skills, educational skills, racial skills, and racial abilities are exceptions to this. These either do not tie to the character class or only partially tie to the character class in the case of secondary skills. This will be frozen initially but once the character reach the same level as he/she was in their old class those skills will advance again once they reach the next level. The character will get all O.C.C. skills the new class and half of the normal O.C.C. related skills (round up). O.C.C. skills will have full bonuses but O.C.C. related skills will only have half the normal bonuses (round up). On Skills that are repeated from the old O.C.C. do not add the bonuses together but instead take the higher bonuses. Skills repeated also will not advance until the level in the old class has been surpassed by the new class. The character gets the full non skill bonuses and abilities from the new O.C.C. The character gets the new classes difference in base SDC added if higher than the original. The character also gets the full P.P.E. The character will be getting the extra P.P.E. for each level of experience as well and spells are learned as normal.

Alternitive-Rules-for-Multiple-OCCs.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.