By: Jason Che-han Yip
Created on: March 29, 1998
Entrance Requirements: No Attribute or Alignment requirements
Skill Cost: 10 years (4 years as a Secondary Martial Art Form)
Wing Chun Kuen and its various other spellings is the name of a system of martial arts developed in Southern China approximately 300 years ago. The originator was the Buddhist nun, Ng Mui, one of the five who had survived the burning of the Siu Lum (Shao-lin) temple. Legend has that Ng Mui took pity on Yim Wing Chun, a woman who was a victim of a local bully. From Wing Chun, the art was passed to her husband and eventually to others leading to Yip Man, generally recognized as the founder of *most* modern Wing Chun systems.
All Wing Chun schools emphasize abandoning the use of raw, muscular power and instead stress borrowing an opponent's force to use against him/her. Arms are kept soft and flexible and act like a strip of bamboo; they bend before a strong attack and snap back to return the energy received.
Other key concepts include the centre line (central axis of body), sensitivity and contact reflexes (Chi Sau, Chi Gerk), and forward energy.
The system is encompassed in three fist forms, two weapon forms, and one wooden dummy form.
During combat, once contact is made, the Wing Chun practioner will attempt to maintain contact to "feel" the opponent's intentions and weaknessess. Combat is ended by rapid strikes with the hands and feet, often all at the same time.
"Stay with what comes, follow through as it retreats, and thrust forward when the hand is freed."
Currently the many variants of Wing Chun have schools all over the world.
Uniform: Either kung fu uniform with sash or T-shirt with either kung fu pants or baggy jogging pants. Either wear kung fu or wrestling style slippers.
Stance: Frontal stance with toes and knees turned inward. Feet are shoulders width apart and the body and head are straight over the feet. Both arms, one leading, are outstretched along the centre line with open hands.
Character Bonuses:
Add 10 to Chi
Add 3 to MA
Add 1 to Spd
Add 2 to PP
Combat Skills:
Attacks per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Maintain Balance
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defenses: Combination Parry/Attack, Multiple Dodge
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Back Hand, Knife Hand, Palm Strike, Uppercut
(SPECIAL! 1D8), Hook (SPECIAL! 1D6), Double-fist Strike.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Tripping/Leg Hook, Snap Kick, Roundhouse
Kick, Stomp Kick (SPECIAL! An attack on the opponent's foot. 1D4 plus opponent cannot kick
for the rest of the round. -3 to strike.)
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Combination Strike/Parry, Combination
Grab/Kick, Knee, Elbow, Forearm, Eye Gouge (SPECIAL! 1D4 plus opponent is half-blinded
for 1D4 melees, -6 strike/parry/dodge. -4 to strike.), Throat Strike (SPECIAL! 1D4 * 2
directly to hit points plus opponent suffers -3 to strike/parry/dodge for 1D4 melees.
-3 to strike.)
Chi Sau/Gerk (Arm and leg clinging or Sticky Hands and feet) (Special): If
the Chi Sau/Gerk attack is successful, the Wing Chun practitioner gains a bonus of +1 to
initiative and +1 to strike/parry/dodge. Special: While under Chi Sau/Gerk, Combination
Strike/Parry and Combination Grab/Kick will give the Wing Chun practitioner the damage
bonuse of his/her opponent. Note that the combat range is effectively limited to the
grappling range which means kick attacks are limited to the Snap Kick, Tripping/Leg Hook,
Drop Kick and Stomp Kick. Escape from Chi Sau/Gerk can only be accomplished by a successful
escape move or a successful strike by the martial artist defending against Chi Sau/Gerk.
Chain Punch (Special): Rapid hand-over-hand strikes designed to both limit
counter strikes and defenses. The first punch may be defended against with an automatic
defense but for the following strikes the defender must use Parry, Dodge or other
non-automatic defenses. The number of strikes is the same as the number of attacks and
therefore uses up all attacks including defending; the entire idea is that the defender
will be too busy to strike back. However, if the defender escapes the chain punch flurry
with a successful escape move defense or automatic throw the melee continues as usual with
the failed chain puncher penalized with -3 to parry.
Weapon Katas: Bat Cham Do (8 cutting pattern knives, similar to Da Kan Dau)
- WP Short Sword paired, Luk Dim Boon Gwun (6 point and a half pole) - WP Staff
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike,
Critical Strike from Rear
Skills included in training:
Martial Art Powers: Select a total of two (2) Powers from among Martial
Art Techniques or Special Katas. If desired, any number of Powers can be traded, one-for-one,
for any Basic Skill Program (exluding physical).
Languages: Chinese (Cantonese)
Philosophical Training: Ch'an Buddhism
If this is your Primary Martial Art Form, then the following other forms can be learned in a shorter time: Ch'in-Na (4 Years), Ba Gua (4 Years), Tai-Chi Ch'uan (4 Years), Aikido (6 Years), Li-Chia (3 years), Mien-Ch'uan (3 years)
Level Bonuses
Why Study WING CHUN?
A very efficient empty-hand style that emphasizes speed, sensitivity, and sound combative principles. Limited in that it was not designed to work against weapons, however that is the reason for the two weapon forms.
WingChunKuen.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.