Fort Knox - City Highlights

The Inn

A large hotel with 600 rooms. The rooms are fair, private ample space, closet, desk, comfortable bed & private bathroom. Average cost is 50 credits a night. Fancier rooms cost 110. Security is good; and the rooms are spotless. The first floor also offers a meeting lounge, saloon (seats about 50 patrons, average drink 3 credits) barbershop (9 credits per haircut, no fancy styles) & a small cafe'.

Official Laser Store

Sells only laser weapons at 8% less than standard market price. It's here that one can find any laser weapon from across the megaverse. Also repairs lasers and recharges E-clips. In addition the store also sells some basic supplies.

Freeway Taxi Service

Is the largest taxi service in Fort Knox; a fleet of yellow hover-vans and all terrain vehicles. Cost 1 Credit per minute or 3 credits per mile, whatever is applicable.

Mystic Travel

This is a small two story building. The service is pretty good (takes less then 5 minutes) and not very expensive. An old Line Walker (10th level) and 5 assistance (all 4th level line walkers) will teleport 2 to 5 tons of people and/or luggage for 15,000 credits one way. Any desonated location up to 1200 miles away.

The Alchemist

The Arena

The Arena is the place to see the best fights, races and events. It's the size of a football stadium with 250,000 seats and 5,000 perches for flying creatures,

City.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.