Bob Brand Armaments - Non-Lethal Weapons

"For when the guy is just a suspect."

Neural Net

The Neural Net is a large metal net, roughly hexagonal with a large metallic sphere on each of the six corners. Excellent for trapping your quarry, popular with slavers as well. Bob Brand Weapons does NOT promote slavery. If a particular item happens to be used often by slavers, well... so be it.

The neural net is thrown on an opponent and it releases a charge to short circuit their nervous system. It continues to let out a low energy charge to keep victim unconscious or incapacitated. The charge can be deactivated by a small hand-held controller and can be made to let out another large charge into the victim.

Model: NN-5
Cost: 8000 credits
Size: 12'x12'
Weight: 7 lb.
Range: Can be thrown up to 25' away
Rate of Fire: 1
Power Supply: 6 type R Cesium batteries
Payload: 40 minutes of low energy charge, each high energy charge uses 5 min. of time up
M.D.C.: 20
Damage: Special: Entangle, takes two melees to free oneself from the net or one melee to cut your way out. If you are stunned you cannot free yourself until you come to. Roll 16 or higher vs. non-lethal poison twice per melee in the net.

Save: No penalties other than -3 to save for 2 melees
No-Save: -3 init., 1 attack per melee (cannot attack while entangled), -10 strike, parry and dodges are impossible, -40% on skills. 40% chance of KO, +5% per melee trapped in the net. Penalties last for 2D4 melees after you are freed from the net or the charge is turned off.

Neural Bolas

The Neural Bolas are a favorite of Bounty Hunters and many Law Enforcment agencies in local cities.

The Neural Bolas are thrown, usually at the ankles or lower leg, when they hit they release a neural charge to knock out the victim of the attack.

Model: NB-5
Cost: 5000 credits
Length: 2' across
Weight: 3 lb.
Range: Can be thrown up to 100' (requires WP:Bolas)
Rate of Fire: 1
Power Supply: 3 type R Cesium batteries
Payload: 12 charges
M.D.C.: 10
Damage: 3D6 + P.S. Bonus + Entangle (takes 1 melee to free yourself. Only possible if not stunned) + Special (Save vs. non-lethal poison 16 or higher)

Save: No negative effects
No Save: -2 init, 1 attack per melee, -10 strike and parry, dodging is impossible (entangled and stunned), -20% on skills, 30% chance of KO. Stun lasts for 1D6 melees.

Neural Stun Pistol
Cost: 2000 credits
Model: NS-5P
Weight: 1 lb. 10 oz.
Power Supply: Type R Cesium Battery
Payload: 15 shots
Rate of Fire: Single shot only
Range: 200'
Damage: Special:
For normal humans and regular D-Bees: Save vs. non-lethal poison 18 or better

Save: -1 init, -5% on skills, -1 attack for 1 melee
No Save: 2D4 HP damage(shock to nervous system), -4 init, -10 strike, parry and dodge, -80% to speed, -60% on all skills and only 1 attack per melee for 2D6+2 melees.

For Juicers and other augmented humans, or powerful D-Bees: Save vs. non-lethal poison 6 or better

Save: No penalties
No Save: -1 init., -5% to skills for 1 melee

Juicer Neural Stun Pistol
Cost: 3000 credits
Model: JNS-5P
Weight: 2 lb. 2 oz
Power Supply: Type R Cesium Battery
Rate of Fire: Single shot
Range: 200'
Payload: 10 shots
Damage: Special: Normal humans need to roll a natural 20 in a save vs. lethal poison:

Save: 3D6 HP damage, -3 init, -20% on skills, -4 strike, parry, dodge, -40% speed, -2 attacks for 2D4 melees
No Save: 1D4x10 HP damage, no init or attacks, -90% on skills, -98% speed for 4D6 melees

Juicers & augmented humans: need to roll an 18 or higher in a save vs. non-lethal poison:

Save: -1 init, -5% on skills, -1 strike, parry, dodge for 1 melee
No-Save: 4D6 HP damage, -6 init, -50% on skills, -60% on speed, -10 strike, parry, dodge, 1 attack for 2D6+2 melees

MD Neural Stun Pistol
Cost: 6000 credits
Model: SNS-10P
Weight: 3 lb. 6 oz.
Power Supply: Type K Cesium Battery
Payload: 10 shots
Rate of Fire: single shot only
Range: 150'
Damage: Special: Any non M.D.C. creature is DEAD, no if's, and's or but's about it! M.D.C. creatures: need to roll an 18+ vs. non-lethal poison

Save: -1 init, -1 strike, parry, dodge, -5% on skills for 1 melee
No Save: 2D4 M.D., -4 init, -8 strike, parry, dodge, -60% to speed, -40% on skills, 1 attack per melee for 2D6 melees

Variable Light Neural Stun Rifle
Cost: 4500 credits
Model: LVS-10R
Weight: 3 lb. 4 oz
Power Supply: Type K Cesium Battery
Payload: 15 shots on low (equiv. to NS-5P, regular neural stun pistol) 10 shots on high (equiv. to JNS-5P, juicer neural stun pistol)
Rate of Fire: single shot
Range: 600'
Damage: low equiv. to NS-5P, regular neural stun pistol, high equiv. to JNS-5P, juicer neural stun pistol, duration is 50% longer though

Variable Neural Stun Rifle
Cost: 9500 credits
Model: VS-20R
Weight: 5 lb.
Power Supply: Type G Cesium Battery
Payload: 20 on low, 15 on med, 10 on high
Rate of Fire: single shot only
Range: 600'
Damage: Special: Low is equiv. to NS-5P, med equiv. to JNS-5P, high equiv. to SNS-10P

Sonic Stun Weapons

Hand Stunner
Cost: 1200 credits
Model: mS-5
Weight: 4 oz.
Power Supply: Type A Lithium Battery
Payload: 5 blasts
Rate of Fire:single 3 second blasts
Range: 15'
Damage: Special: only annoys juicers and augmented humans (don't use it on them, they'll get mad).
  Humans: need to roll a 10 or better vs. pain or suffer 1D4 HP damage. Any human hit with the sonic stunner will suffer the following penalties:

-1 init, -1 strike, parry, dodge, 60% chance of falling over if the victim tries to run, jump or perform any overly coordinated action.

Light Sonic Stunner
Cost: 2400 credits
Model: S-8
Weight: 1 lb.
Power Supply: Type R Cesium Battery
Payload: 15 blasts
Rate of Fire: single blasts
Range: 90'
Damage: Special: Juicers have no chance of sustaining damage and suffer 1/4 penalties for 1/2 duration
  Normal Humans: need to roll a 16 or higher vs. pain or suffer 1D6 HP damage.
  All human victims are -2 init, -4 strike, parry, dodge, -1 attack, 60% chance of falling over if victim tries to run at over 1/2 their normal max speed. Coordinated actions are near impossible. Penalties last for 2D4 melees

Juicer Heavy Sonic Stunner
Cost: 3600 credits
Model: HS-8
Weight: 1 lb. 6 oz.
Power Supply: Type R Cesium Battery
Payload: 10 blasts
Rate of Fire: Single blasts
Range: 100'
Damage: Juicers need to roll a 16 or better vs. pain or suffer 2D6+2 HP.

All Augmented humans struck recieve -4 init, -4 strike, parry, -10 dodge, 70% chance of falling over if they try to move at over 1/3 their normal speed. 80% chance of falling if they try to jump or perform any acrobatic or gymnastic feat. They have -3 attacks These penalties last for 2D4 + 2 melees.

Humans will always suffer 5D6 HP damage will have no init and no attacks. 90% chance of falling over if they try to stand upright or move at a spd greater than 5. This lasts for 3D6 + 6 melees.

Double Barrelled "Monster Buster" Mega Sonic Stunner
Cost: 7000 credits
Model: MS-19
Weight: 3 lb. 2 oz.
Power Supply: Type K Cesium Battery
Payload: 10 shots
Rate of Fire: Single blasts
Range: 90'
Damage: Humans are killed, Juicers suffer 3D6X10 HP damage, if they survive this massive damage they are in a coma for 2D6+6 hours!
  M.D.C. creatures: need to roll a 17 or higher vs. pain or suffer 1D4 M.D., any monster struck is at -2 init, -3 strike, parry, -7 dodge, -2 attacks and cannot move at a speed greater then 1/2 normal or they have a 60% chance of falling over. Jumps and acrobatics have an 80% chance of ending in an uncoordinated fall to the ground.

NonLethalWeapons.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.