Shadow Omega

Vehicle Type: XVOF-2Z Shadow Omega
Intelligence: Neural
Alignment: Scrupulous
Crew: None needed. But three people can sit in the cockpit w/gear. The cargo/bomb bay area can hold passengers and their gear in the area around the missiles/bombs.
I.Q.: 52
P.S.: 63
P.P.: 41
M.D.C. by Location:

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the sensor head will knockout long-range communications (reduce to 100 miles), long-range radar (reduce to 250 miles) and laser targeting (-1 to strike). Do to small size attackers are -4 to strike.

**The forearm shields can be used to shield the main body or body parts from damage. Note: Depleting the arm shields to below their M.D.C. will destroy the wing connection joints and damage the wing(s), making transformation into jet or guardian modes Impossible! Likewise, the loss of an arm is the lose of a wing and connection unit, making transformation impossible.

***Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Omega down completely, rendering it useless.

****The EU-16 of the Omega is built into it and protected by the main body. Because it is such a difficult target, attackers are -6 to strike it.

*****Depleting the M.D.C. of the "Brain" will destroy the Omega. Note: To hit the brain you must first deplete the M.D.C. of the main body. Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the brain to eject out of the omega.

******Depleting the M.D.C. of the Cross dimensional Device will make dimensional travel impossible. Note: To hit it the M.D.C. of the main body must be depleted first.


Statistical Data

Sensors and Equipment:

Weapon Systems:

  1. XVOF Force Field: The marvel of the barrier is that it is continually renewed every melee. Thus, if the barrier took 11,000 M.D. of damage, it is restored to its full 12,000 M.D.C. fourteen (14) seconds later. If completely destroyed, the barrier will rematerialize within fourteen seconds.
    Primary Purpose: Defense
    Range: All around the omega and can be extended around an attached alpha.
    Mega-Damage: Inflicts none, but can sustain 12,000 M.D. every melee.
    Payload: Nearly Inexhaustible.
  2. MM-60S Super Multi-Missile System: The Omega has two MM-60 systems built into each chest/shoulder area in battloid and accessible on the right and left of the cockpit in jet or guardian mode.
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
    Missile Type: Any short range missiles can be used, 200 armor piercing. 100 slammer concussion.
    Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Armor piercing - 1D6x10
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, six, eight(or sixteen if both launchers are fired simultaneously). Can shoot all 80 in one melee.
    Range: armor piercing- 5 miles
    Payload: 150 short range missiles per launcher, for a total capacity of 300.
  3. 70mm Wood Rail Cannon:
    Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire
    Mega-Damage: 5D6x10 H.P. to vampires and 2D6x10 M.D. 75% of having one or more rounds hit and stay in the heart.
    Rate of Fire: Can fire up to the # of HTH attacks.
    Range: 8000 ft
    Payload: 150 blasts. It takes two melee actions to reload.
    Note: Two extra clips are stored in the bomb bay.
  4. Short-Range Leg Missiles: Each leg has a short-range missile launcher built into the thigh. These missiles can be launched only in battloid mode.
    Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
    Secondary Purpose: Antipersonnel
    Missile type: Any short range missiles, 30 armor piercing, 30 plasma, 30 slammer concussion.
    Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Armor piercing - 1D6x10 M.D., Plasma-1D6x10 M.D., Slammer - 2D4x10 M.D.
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, six, eight or ten(all).
    Range: Varies with missile type. Armor piercing-5 miles, Plasma-3 miles, Slammer - 1.14 miles
    Payload: 45 in each leg, for a total of 90.
  5. Medium Range, Top Mounted Missiles: These are the missile racks seen on top of the Omega in battloid mode and recessed into the rear of the Omega in jet or guardian modes. The missiles can be launched in any configuration.
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
    Missile Type: Any medium range missile. 10 Armor piercing, 10 Plasma.
    Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Armor piercing- 2D4x10 M.D., Plasma- 2D6x10 M.D.
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two or three.
    Range: Varies with missile Type. Armor piercing-60 miles, Plasma-40 miles.
    Payload: 10 missiles in each launcher (2), for a total of twenty.
  6. Four Cruise Missiles can be seen in the mid chest area of the Omega in Battloid or on either side of the cockpit in jet and guardian modes. These can be launched only from jet or guardian mode.
    Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-Spacecraft
    Missile Type: Any long range or cruise missile. 2 Reflex multi-warhead. 2 Anti-Matter
    Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Reflex multi-warhead: 4D6x10M.D. Anti-Matter: 4D6x100 M.D.
    Rate of Fire: One at a time.
    Range: Varies with missile type. Reflex multi-warhead-1800 miles. Anti-Matter: 1000 miles
    Payload: Four
  7. Wing Hard Points (3 per wing): The wings can use any type of ordnance, but are usually limited to missiles as all wing ordnance must be fired or discarded in order to transform to Battloid mode. 3 SRMs per hard point are standard.
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Armor piercing - 1D6x10 M.D., Plasma-1D6x10 M.D.
    Missile Type: Any short range missiles.
    Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 or 18 (all).
    Range: Varies by missile type. Armor piercing-5 miles, Plasma-3 miles.
    Payload: 18 total (3 per hard point).
  8. EU-16 Destabilizer: It is built into the body of the Omega. The Destabilizer can fire a special burst of energy that will disrupt force fields. Against large shields one blast has an 80% chance of creating a 6D6 foot hole in the field lasting for 4D6 minutes. One blast from an EU-16 destabilizer will obliterate the force field used on power armor/robots for 4D6 + 20 minutes. Note: Can not fire in Battloid Mode.
    Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
    Secondary Purpose: Force field disruption.
    Mega-Damage: Does 6D6x10 M.D. per blast.
    Rate of Fire: Can fire up to the combine # of HTH attacks.
    Range: 5 miles in an atmosphere, 16 miles in space.
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.
  9. PC-150 Arm Phase Cannons (2): Built into the arms of the Omega are Phase Cannons. These weapons can only be used in Battloid mode, but they can be combined for use in attacking one target.
    Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
    Secondary Purpose: Assault
    Mega-Damage(one arm/both arms): 3D6 to all living targets in a 30 ft diameter around the blast point or 1D6x10 to force fields and creatures 10 ft or larger. This damage is S.D.C. to non-M.D.C. creatures, or M.D. to M.D.C. creatures and force fields. When both weapons are used to attack the same target double the damage.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of HtH attacks of the pilot.
    Range: 10,000 feet (almost 2 miles).
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.
  10. TW Flare Launcher (4): Four flare launchers are installed into the omega. These can be used in any mode.
    Primary Purpose: Anti-Vampire
    Hit Point Damage: Storm Flare: 4D6x10 hit point damage for every HALF melee. Globe of Daylight: None
    Range: 2000 ft
    Payload: 140 flares per launcher. For a total of 520. Usually a mixture of 260 Storm and 260 Globe of Daylight Flares divided between the four launchers.
  11. Shield: A hand held shield was added to the omega for use in battloid mode. The shield is impervious to all lasers including variable frequency lasers.
    Primary Purpose: Defense
    M.D.C. Special: 900 when not in use, but a renewing force field provides the shield with unlimited M.D.C.
    Special Bonus: Adds +2 to parry in hand to hand combat and even enables the character to attempt to parry/block energy blasts.
  12. APC-1B Anti-Proton Cannon: This cannon is one of the most powerful weapon in the dimension of RIFTS earth. The main feature of this cannon is it's destructive beam which is "made" up of pure Anti-Protons (Protons are present in every atom, and anti-matter has a tendicy to totally destroy all "matter", therefore Anti-Protons tend to destroy all atoms present).
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Defense
    Mega-Damage: 5D20x400 M.D. per blast. (yes 2,000-40,000 M.D.)
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks per melee
    Range: 6 miles in an atmosphere, 70 miles in space.
    Payload: 20 blasts per clip. 4 extra clips can be stored in a comportment in the main body. Note: Anti-Proton clips (AP-clips) are Very dangerous. If the clip is destroyed then a explosive release of Anti-Protons is the result, causing 10D20x500 M.D. to a 400 foot radius. Each clip has 700 M.D.C. & costs 10 million credits to make and charge the first time and only costs 4 million credits to recharge the clip.
  13. Particle Beam Cannons (2): The legs of the Omega have a Particle Beam Cannons built into them. In Jet mode, the body and leg guns can be volleyed together. However, as the cannons are pointed toward the body in the other modes they can not be used.
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Defense
    Mega-Damage: 2D6x1000 M.D. Can fire a volley doing 4D6x1000 M.D.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks per melee.
    Range: 12 miles in an atmosphere. 140 miles in space.
    Payload: Effectively unlimited. Uses the secondary power system.
  14. The Omega Can also drop bombs. The bomb bay of the Omega is constructed with a Nth dimensional matrix. This allows an object with a finite cubic area on the outside to have many times that area on the inside. The bomb bay measures 2400 ft long x 1200 ft wide x 600 ft tall on the inside.
    Primary Purpose: Ground Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Long range Assault
    Missile Type: Bombs are equal to short, medium, long range or cruise missiles. Cruise missiles are used for long range assault.
    Mega-Damage: Varies with type of Bomb.
    Rate of Fire: Volleys of 2, 4, 6 or 8
    Range: Bombs drop only, missiles standard.
    Payload: The bomb bay can hold up to 2000 bombs.
    Note: The bomb bay can be used to hold up to 1000 medium, long range & cruise missiles.
  15. Other Weapons: Any hand held weapon can be used if needed. Must be to the scale of robots or power armor.
  16. Optional Hand to Hand:
    HTH: Martial Arts
    No. of Attacks: 9  Strike: +16  Parry: +23
    Dodge: +22 in battloid & guardian mode, +24 in jet
    Roll: +9  Initiative: +12  Long Dist. Weapon's: +9
    Restrained Punch: 6D6 M.D.      Kick: 5D6 M.D.
    Full Strength Punch: 2D6x10 M.D. Leap Kick: 4D6x10 M.D.
    Power Punch: 3D6x10 M.D.      Stomp: 4D6 M.D.
    Body Block: 1D6x10 M.D.       Body Flip: 6D6 M.D.

Shadow-Omega.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.