How To Tell You Are Not A Newbie

Because on Sun, 3 Nov 1996, Jonathan W Rosenberg asked:

"I was just wondering, cause I was in the mood to boost my ego. How do I know when I am no longer considered a Newbie, and can make unreasonable, selfish, and profane demands on the list. <grin> Seriously though, I was just wondering when I can claim non-newbieism (<--Is that a word?) Thanx, later..."

The (In)Famous Cozmyk Chicken came up with the following ways in which to tell your status on the list.

Here are the ways in which you can tell if you are a Newbie to the Palladium Mailing List:

  1. If you post something and Casebolt, Guzman, Cannon, Wraith, Crow, etc. responds -- you're probably not a newbie.
  2. If you only post about one message--ABOUT EVERY OTHER FRIGGIN' day, and people remember who you are, then you ain't no stinking newbie.
  3. When people dedicate posts and threads into discussing your name (case in point: "Cozmyk Chicken", you probably aren't a newbie.
  4. If you can remember when Allan Harrison used to bless us all daily with colorful and obscene messages (I swear this guy could flame the devil himself out of hell), then you ain't no newbie. :)


   \_ \                _/\
      \_\             //  \
      O O)\   _____  // / /
    / }     /) ) ) }/  / /  (I am the Cozmyk Chicken,
  /__}    |) ) ) ) } / /           Coo... Coo... Catchoo)
   \_}_   |) ) ) ) }  /
    ## \   \) ) ) } _/  Tony.
        \__ \)_)_} /
          \ /\ /    "I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
           }| }|     I just have an unnatural attraction to chickens."
          / |\ |\ HOME, Rifts.

tell.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.