Palladium Theme Songs Done Right

Okay, for the past few days i have been reading about theme songs... well, let it be known that I actually have soundtracks for my sessions, so i think i could better shine a bit of light on this one <g> hope you enjoy~

Necromancy Themes

Cyborgs/Robots/RPA Themes

CS Themes



Undersea Themes

Godlings and God Themes

Good Battle Themes for Rifts

Good Travel Themes for Rifts

I have a lot more than this, and as you can tell, we use more industrial sounds in our games. we feel it is more fitting. but also, a fair mix of 70's and 80's rock will add a lot to the sessions. hope you are amused. you might see more later~

This list was created by the Adgramaine Posted On: Jan. 14, 1999

Theme_Songs.php -- Revised: January 27, 2021.