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Woowari R.C.C.

By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

The Woowari are indigenous to a forested, backwater world in another dimension. The planet Woowar is fairly poor in metals, so Woowari civilization has been frozen at the hunter/farmer stage for over 250,000 years. Most Woowari are happy and content with their peaceful, agrarian existence.



Alignment: Any, but the vast majority are unprincipled or anarchist.
Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q.: 3D4+4, M.E.: 2D6, M.A.: 2D6, P.S.: 3D4+3, P.P.: 3D4+2, P.E.: 3D4+4, P.B.: 2D6+2, SPD.: 3D4.
Hit Points: P.E. + 1D6 per level.
S.D.C.: 20 plus those gained from physical skills.
Horror Factor: none
P.P.E.: 1D6
Natural Abilities: heal at double the normal rate.
Bonuses: +2 to save vs. poisons and toxins, plus those gained from attributes, O.C.C., and skill bonuses.
Magic: By O.C.C. only.
Psionics: One in one hundred Woowari will be a psychic healer with 2D4 x 10 I.S.P. and eight psionics from the Healing Category.
O.C.C.s: May choose from Wilderness Scout, Vagabond, or the equivalents of Druids.
Skills of Note: Language: Woowari 98%, Mathematics: Basic +10%, and Horsemanship +15%
Average Life Span: 60 years.
Enemies: None per se.
Allies: None per se.
Size: 6ft to 7.5ft (1.8m to 2.3m).
Weight: 100lbs to 220lbs (45.4kg to 100kg).
Appearance: A tall, thin rather average looking humanoid, their thoughts are usually as simplistic as their looks. Ranging from a pale pink to a light gray in colour, the Woowari have large, dark eyes and light coloured hair. Their hands have three fingers with two opposable thumbs.



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