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TW Boots of Levitation

By: Dustin M. Ramsey aka Kralizec! (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

When activated, these gem encrusted boots enable their wearer to hover in mid air. This enables the person to walk off cliff tops or building roofs, and gently float to the ground. Additionally, while hovering in the air, the wearer can magically propel themselves forward at speeds of up to 30 mph by simply walking through the air.

These Techno-Wizard boots have gained widespread notoriety in the New West because of their use in the daring escapades of a secretive champion of good known only as the Rhinestone Cowboy.

Creation Costs:
P.P.E. Cost: 35
Spells Needed: Levitation, Energy Bolt, Float in Air, and Super Human Speed
Physical Requirements: eight clear quartz crystals worth at least 75 credits each, two rose quartz crystals worth 150 credits each, and 200 credits worth of silver thread.
Time: 3D4 hours

Maximum Height: 60ft (18.3m) + 10ft (3m) per level of the Techno-Wizard when the Boots were created.
Maximum Speed: equal to speed attribute 44 (about 30 mph)
Maximum Weight: 200lbs (90kg) + 20lbs (9.1kg) per level of the Techno-Wizard when the Boots were created.
To Recharge: 15 P.P.E. for mages, 30 I.S.P. for psychics, or 12 P.P.E. for Techno-Wizards
Duration of Charge: 2 minutes per level of the Techno-Wizard when the Boots were created.
Cost: 70,000 credits + 5000 credits per level of the Techno-Wizard when the Boots were created.



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