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Fire Fly

By: Genesplicer #1678A (genesplicer38@hotmail.com)

Fire Fly

Range: 100ft (30.4m)
Duration: 1 melee per level of the castor.
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 15
Mystic Discipline Limitations: Only practitioners of African Witchcraft, Common Spell Magic, or Necromancy can learn this spell.
Level: 4

This spell has an annoyance factor through the roof! Which is exactly the intent. This spell creates a swarm of about 50 fireflies (actually they're just a bunch of flying sparks). These "flying sparks" swarm and dance around the victim impairing his vision and hampering his movement. Penalties for the individual being swarmed and the reduction of sight (plus the shear annoyance factor) are as follows: -3 Strike, Parry, and Dodge, -10% to all skills that require visual acuity (which is most of them), an additional -5% penalty to skills requiring great amounts of concentration (like playing chess, disarming a bomb etc.). Thermo sensors and infra-vision are completely blinded, any one relying totally on them suffer the penalties for blind fighting. Also, the victim is a lot easier to spot with all these whirling points of light and heat about (-10% to prowl, and +5% to perception rolls to see the poor guy) especially for those who can see the infrared spectrum (+15% to see the poor guy, not in addition to the +5%).

This spell is even worse if the victim is not wearing any protective armor. In this case, the victim suffers a -8 penalty to all combat rolls, is -25% to all skills, and takes 10 S.D.C. points of damage every melee round (20 S.D.C. points of damage on Rifts Earth). If the victim makes his saving throw vs. magic, then they suffer only a -1 penalty to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, and if unprotected only suffer 1 point of S.D.C. per melee (2 points of S.D.C. on Rifts earth). No, the armor does not have to be fully environmental to count as protection, but it must cover the whole body (legs, arms, chest, and some type of helmet).



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