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T'Chakta the Dragon Slayer: A Greater Holy Weapon

By: Dustin M. Ramsey aka Kralizec! (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

This massive seven foot long sword is the holiest of holy weapons to the Pogtal Giants, a race of Dragon Slayers from another dimension. Pogtal legend has it that this enchanted weapon was forged in the blood of slain a dragon god, and indeed the sword is forged from a single piece of mottled red-black metal. Very ornate in nature, the tooth-like projections that flair out from the hilt are said to be teeth from the Pogtal god Anthos himself. A single giant blue sapphire, claimed to be the mystical Eye of Anthos, dominates the center of the sword.

Standard Abilities:

  1. Totally indestructible, the blade never dulls or dents.
  2. Link itself with owner/wielder within six months of constant contact. Thus, weapon and wielder can sense each other's presence within a four mile (6.4km) radius if separated.
  3. Adds +1 to all saving throws.
  4. Can be used to parry energy blasts (-6 to parry, very difficult).
  5. Anarchist in nature, it can only be used by those of evil or selfish alignments. Persons not of a compatible alignment take 1D8 S.D.C. (3D6 M.D. if a mega-damage creature, 6D6 M.D. if a dragon) each time they touch the weapon.

Greater Abilities:

  • Damage: Inflicts 3D6+4 M.D. from physical blows.
  • Flame Burst: Can become enveloped in a living flame (+2D6 M.D.) for up to sixty minutes, three times per 24 hours.
  • Lightning: Spits lightning bolts (6D6+6 M.D.) with a range of 300ft (91.4m), up to six times per day.
  • Dragon Slayer: All attacks do double damage to dragons, supernatural beings, and creatures of magic.



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