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Most Common Last Words...

By: Ismael Alvarez <lantismkr@juno.com>

You know you play Rifts too much when.....

  1. have more Rifts books than real books.
  2. you've made your own Net-book.
  3. you write a fanfiction type story about, and your a professional writer.
  4. you ponder about how much S.D.C. or M.D.C. a certain object or person may have.
  5. your in character a little too often.
  6. when you know more Rifts Earth Geography(or anything else) more than real Earth Geography.
  7. your involved with political, social, and moral issues of Rifts.
  8. your convinced Atlantis does exist, and the Splugorth are after you.
  9. you think the novel "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" was about the Lord of the Deep.
  10. you read the works Victor Lazlo so you can find Ley Lines.
  11. you carry dice with you to make decisions in your everyday life (especially tests).
  12. you start worshiping an alien intelligence in hopes of getting superhuman powers.
  13. you rate members of the opposite sex by P.B..
  14. you try and turn a weed-wacker into a TW invention.(much to your parents' dismay)
  15. you gain the animosity of historians and those who know extensive mythology by asking too many questions (yes, even old people with nothing better to do).
  16. you start using PA calendars.
  17. you realize you need more skills, or you'll never be any kind of O.C.C.
  18. you get tattoos for the sole purposes of claiming to be a Tattooed Atlantean, and are convinced you'll live at least 500 years.
  19. you won't go camping till you think you have enough wilderness skills.
  20. you start getting Karl Prosek and Hitler mixed up, on school reports.
  21. you go down to Mexico, but go crazy when customs takes away your waterguns.
  22. you try and warn Quebec about its impending war.
  23. when asked race, you put (D-Bee of choice here) as your answer.
  24. you avoid Chicago for fear of being persecuted.
  25. go into genetics studies so one day your own Sparky can be a fierce Psi-hound.
  26. you go onto a missile test site, trying to prove your a M.D.C. being.
  27. you would trade your mother for a Glitter Boy power armor.
  28. you would actually jump into a rift without any hesitation.
  29. you wear any kind of Rifts related costume for Halloween.
  30. you wear the costume when its not Halloween.
  31. the people at Palladiums now refer to you by name.
  32. you've given more material to Palladiums than Kevin Siembieda.
  33. its actually been used.
  34. you prepare for the coming of the Rifts.
  35. you've led people to follow you in preparing for the coming of the Rifts.
  36. you met your wife(or even a girlfriend) by playing Rifts.(reverse as gender and lifestyle may warrant)
  37. you've ever fallen in love with an NPC.
  38. you've ever played a Rouge Scientist that could kill a Dragon in hand to hand combat.
  39. you've ever used a Vagabond as a character, for any reason.
  40. you got a vagabond character above level 10.
  41. you've ever engaged in sex, in game contexts.
  42. you've ever had to make a roll during this sex.
  43. you've gambled credits away.
  44. you've ever given the GM a bribe for furthering yourself in the game.
  45. you are his main source of income.
  46. you come up with a YKYPRTMW list.
  47. you think you are a D-Bee.



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