Nano-Tech Disassembler Weapons

Nano-tech Disassembler Weapons (NDWs) are by far the most powerful innovation to come out of NRAD. The theory behind this deadly weapon is quite simple. A cloud of nano-tech disassemblers (NDs) is introduced on or near the target by way of a delivery system (usually missile or grenade). The NDs have so little mass that they can effectively stay floating in the air for several hours. Everything within the cloud is then attacked. Each ND actually begins to tear apart whatever it encounters atom by atom. The effect is a rapid weakening of the structure of the target.

NDWs are just as effective on MDC alloys as they are on human flesh; the NDs make no distinction between the two since both are attacked on a molecular level. Also, everything within the radius of the cloud is attacked; there are no exceptions. If whoever launched the weapon is within the cloud, they will be attacked too.

NDWs are effective against almost any type of material, including, but not limited to: power armor, body armor, cyborgs, robots, armored vehicles, guns, equipment, metal, wood, ceramics, plastics, concrete, rock, cybernetics, bionics, human flesh, superhuman flesh, and even most magical items. In other words, virtually nothing within the cloud is safe.

The only known defenses against NDWs are force fields. However, the force field only prevents the NDs from entering; once the field is gone, the NDs will continue their work. Also, for a force field to be effective, it must cover everything; if even a tiny part is uncovered, the NDs will find their way inside.

NDWs can also be countered by the NDW Neutralizer. This is almost always issued along with NDWs.

Mega-Damage: Special.The NDs attack and reduce the physical integrity of everything within the cloud.

  1. Roughly man-sized objects (humans, power armors, etc.) and relatively weak structures will have their MDC or SDC reduced by half.

  2. Very heavy power armors and robots (and other things roughly the same size), most vehicles, and strong structures will have their MDC or SDC reduced by about 30%.

  3. The very strongest structures and objects will be reduced by about 15%.

  4. This reduction takes place within forty-five seconds (three melee rounds) of exposure to the NDW. Reduce the MDC or SDC by another 10% for each additional 2D6 melees exposure to the ND cloud.

Additional Effects: These effects usually take place within 2D6+1 minutes of continual exposure to the NDW. Roll percentile or GM may pick one (re-roll if non-applicable):

Delivery System: Typically, grenades or missiles. Missiles can include all kinds from micro-rockets, to long-range missiles. Note: micro-rockets are very rarely used since they aren't very effective at covering an area. However, other methods, such as spray cans have been known to be employed.

Cloud Radius

Duration: The NDs are designed to cease functioning after 30 minutes. This is designed as a kind of fail-safe measure.
Payload: Varies with mission. However, NDWs are only issued in extreme situations. Troops can carry anything from one grenade to a full missile payload of NDWs.
Note: AHI and NRAD have absolutely no intention of making this technology available to outside sources. The existence of this weapon is only even guessed at by a few outside sources. The Coalition knows nothing about it. The technology is only available to AHI subsidized military units. This does include the Gabriel Defense Forces.

The NDW is not available on the Black Market or to any outside sources. The only other place on the planet where this type of technology exists is in the Republic of Japan. However, it is only coincidental that the two technologies seem similar. The Japanese AADs are much more "target selective" than the NDWs and the actual technical workings are quite different. Neither AHI nor the Republic of Japan know of the existence of the other, much less what technology they possess.

Designed by Chris Curtis (

Parts of this text was taken from Rifts World Book 8: Japan by Kevin Siembieda.